How do I schedule a Baptism at St. Paul's?
About 2-4 weeks before the planned baptism please call the ministry office to speak with the pastor. The main topics of the conversation will be the baptism, prerequisites for a Baptism at St. Paul's including membership in the congregation, the order of service, the vow of Christian parenting, special arrangements, answering questions you may have about baptism and what it means to you, and finding a workable date. The pastor (or another staff person) will ask for a completed application form.
What’s the vow of Christian parenting?
When children are baptized, parents make a promise to raise them in Christian faith. This promise is called the vow of Christian parenting. Parents are asked to make a commitment to instructing their children in Christian faith by making and keeping this vow. The vow is listed here for you.
Charge to Parents - In response to these promises and in Christian love you have brought name(s) for holy baptism. It is your task as parents, along with sponsors, to bring (him/her) to the services of God’s house, teach (him/her) the 10 commandments, the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer. As (he/she) grows in years, you should place in (his/her) hands the Holy Scriptures and provide for (his/her) further instruction in the Christian faith, that (he/she) come to the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood and thus, living in the covenant of baptism and in communion with the church, (he/she) may grow up to lead a godly life to the praise and honor of Jesus Christ. This, then, do you intend gladly and willingly to do? Answer “I do.”
What’s the Baptismal service like?
As a rule, the rite of baptism is administered in our church during the service. You may choose the Sunday which is most suitable for you. The ceremony usually happens at the beginning of the service. Parents and sponsors come forward together, speak in testimony to the Christian faith, share their vows to raise the child in Christian faith and observe the Baptism. After the actual ceremony prayers are said for your child and a certificate of Baptism and Sponsorship are offered. You are welcome to take photos after the service together with pastor and others. However, we ask for your understanding that no flash photos should be taken during the service.
What about godparents or sponsors?
Godparents are present at the baptism as witnesses. During the ceremony they promise to assist the parents in providing a Christian education for the child. Ideally, the godparents will be strong Christians who will influence their godchild during his/her life in such a manner that, later-on, this child is able to confirm his/her baptism in a responsible way on his/her confirmation day. Any details regarding your ideas about how you expect the godparents to be involved in your child's life, should be discussed with them.
What does the Lutheran Faith teach about faith, baptism, and salvation?
Baptism is God's means of imparting His grace to give faith in Jesus. In Romans 6. St. Paul writes, "Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried there with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father we too might walk in newness of life." Paul is speaking about Baptism as the instrument through which God incorporates people into Christ and His saving work. It is for this reason that Baptism, in Lutheran theology, is regarded as such a precious treasure. To be sure, faith alone is the instrument by which we receive the salvation won by Christ. But the Word and Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper) are God's instruments through which He engenders saving faith in us.
Why do Lutherans baptize infants?
Lutherans baptize infants because of what the Bible teaches:
What details will the church office need from me in preparation for a baptism?
Call the office at (715) 453-5391 to discuss what is needed in preparation for a baptism.
About 2-4 weeks before the planned baptism please call the ministry office to speak with the pastor. The main topics of the conversation will be the baptism, prerequisites for a Baptism at St. Paul's including membership in the congregation, the order of service, the vow of Christian parenting, special arrangements, answering questions you may have about baptism and what it means to you, and finding a workable date. The pastor (or another staff person) will ask for a completed application form.
What’s the vow of Christian parenting?
When children are baptized, parents make a promise to raise them in Christian faith. This promise is called the vow of Christian parenting. Parents are asked to make a commitment to instructing their children in Christian faith by making and keeping this vow. The vow is listed here for you.
Charge to Parents - In response to these promises and in Christian love you have brought name(s) for holy baptism. It is your task as parents, along with sponsors, to bring (him/her) to the services of God’s house, teach (him/her) the 10 commandments, the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer. As (he/she) grows in years, you should place in (his/her) hands the Holy Scriptures and provide for (his/her) further instruction in the Christian faith, that (he/she) come to the sacrament of Christ’s body and blood and thus, living in the covenant of baptism and in communion with the church, (he/she) may grow up to lead a godly life to the praise and honor of Jesus Christ. This, then, do you intend gladly and willingly to do? Answer “I do.”
What’s the Baptismal service like?
As a rule, the rite of baptism is administered in our church during the service. You may choose the Sunday which is most suitable for you. The ceremony usually happens at the beginning of the service. Parents and sponsors come forward together, speak in testimony to the Christian faith, share their vows to raise the child in Christian faith and observe the Baptism. After the actual ceremony prayers are said for your child and a certificate of Baptism and Sponsorship are offered. You are welcome to take photos after the service together with pastor and others. However, we ask for your understanding that no flash photos should be taken during the service.
What about godparents or sponsors?
Godparents are present at the baptism as witnesses. During the ceremony they promise to assist the parents in providing a Christian education for the child. Ideally, the godparents will be strong Christians who will influence their godchild during his/her life in such a manner that, later-on, this child is able to confirm his/her baptism in a responsible way on his/her confirmation day. Any details regarding your ideas about how you expect the godparents to be involved in your child's life, should be discussed with them.
What does the Lutheran Faith teach about faith, baptism, and salvation?
Baptism is God's means of imparting His grace to give faith in Jesus. In Romans 6. St. Paul writes, "Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried there with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father we too might walk in newness of life." Paul is speaking about Baptism as the instrument through which God incorporates people into Christ and His saving work. It is for this reason that Baptism, in Lutheran theology, is regarded as such a precious treasure. To be sure, faith alone is the instrument by which we receive the salvation won by Christ. But the Word and Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper) are God's instruments through which He engenders saving faith in us.
Why do Lutherans baptize infants?
Lutherans baptize infants because of what the Bible teaches:
- God's command to baptize (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:16; Acts2:38). There is not a single passage in Scripture which instructs us not to baptize for reasons of age, race, or gender.
- Our need for baptism (Psalm 51; 5; John 3:5-7; Acts 2:38; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:3
- According to the Bible, all people--including infants--are sinful and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
- God's promises and power (Acts 2:38; Mark 16:16; Acts 22:16; 1Peter 3:21; John 3:5-7; Titus 3:5-6; Galatians 3:26-27; Romans 6:1-4; Colossians 2;11-12; Ephesians 5:25-26; 1 Corinthians 12:13). The promises and power of baptism are extended to all in Scripture--including infants-and are available to all. Parents and sponsors then have the privilege and responsibility of nurturing the baptized child in God's love and in His Word so that he or she may know and continue to enjoy the wonderful blessings of baptism throughout his or her life.
What details will the church office need from me in preparation for a baptism?
Call the office at (715) 453-5391 to discuss what is needed in preparation for a baptism.