How Do I Join St. Paul's?
St. Paul's "Pastor's Class" is for those seeking membership and for all who are interested in growing in their faith. Members of St. Paul are encouraged to attend Pastor's Class to refresh one's faith. The class will be taught even if only 1 person is interested. Dates and times will be set accordingly.
The material covered includes the basic doctrines of the Bible and Martin Luther's Small Catechism. Topics Include...
Why attend St. Paul's?
St. Paul's is a church where you can feel at home and connect with others just like you. We strive to be a model of faithfulness to God and relevance to culture and compassion to people. We believe that Jesus is our Savior. But 'Salvation' is not just the goal; it is the gift of God through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, out of thankfulness and faith, we strive to live a Godly lifestyle. We believe that the Church should walk humbly, show mercy, and seek the lost through God's Grace. This is what you will experience when you worship at St. Paul Lutheran.
Who attends St. Paul's?
Everyone is welcome at St. Paul's.
What can I expect when I visit?
Our goal is to give you a warm welcome and show gratitude that you have come to worship with us. We believe you will hear and receive the love of God in Christ Jesus and our community.
How long do your services last?
Services normally last one hour. That does not include any fellowship that goes on afterwards. We understand people are very busy, but we also understand, and greatly desire to spend time in worship, in the Word, in ministry, and in fellowship.
I'm not Lutheran. Can I attend services here?
Of course! We welcome anyone who seeks to know Christ... and to make Christ known. We have a detailed Pastor's Class if you are thinking of joining, but you are welcome to worship with us regardless of your current or past status.
What is the appropriate "dress" for worship services?
Come as you are. There are no rules or expectations. We are an inclusive church.
Do you have Sunday School?
It is our hope to begin one soon.
How can I learn more about St. Paul's?
St. Paul's offers many programs and study groups to allow members to see what it means to live as a disciple of Jesus, putting our faith into action. Click here for more information.
Can I attend the church regularly but not join?
Yes, we welcome the opportunity to provide ministry to all who seek to know God's truth.
When do you offer Communion?
The Lord's Supper is offered every Sunday of every month.
Who can participate in Holy Communion?
If you wish to partake of the Lord's Supper at St. Paul Lutheran, please be guided by your response to these questions:
Before communing for the first time at St. Paul's, you are asked to please speak with pastor. Children are welcomed at the Lord's Table to receive a blessing, but do not partake of the Sacrament prior to Confirmation.
What are the Church office hours?
The St. Paul's Office hours are Tuesday-Friday 9 AM-1 PM.
What if I have additional questions?
If you have a question regarding our ministry at St. Paul's, please contact our Pastor at (715) 499-2693. We are happy to assist you!
St. Paul's "Pastor's Class" is for those seeking membership and for all who are interested in growing in their faith. Members of St. Paul are encouraged to attend Pastor's Class to refresh one's faith. The class will be taught even if only 1 person is interested. Dates and times will be set accordingly.
The material covered includes the basic doctrines of the Bible and Martin Luther's Small Catechism. Topics Include...
- The Bible
- The Ten Commandments
- The Apostles' Creed
- The Church & The Office of the Keys
- The Sacraments
- Prayer & The Lord's Prayer
- Death, End Times & Judgment
Why attend St. Paul's?
St. Paul's is a church where you can feel at home and connect with others just like you. We strive to be a model of faithfulness to God and relevance to culture and compassion to people. We believe that Jesus is our Savior. But 'Salvation' is not just the goal; it is the gift of God through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, out of thankfulness and faith, we strive to live a Godly lifestyle. We believe that the Church should walk humbly, show mercy, and seek the lost through God's Grace. This is what you will experience when you worship at St. Paul Lutheran.
Who attends St. Paul's?
Everyone is welcome at St. Paul's.
What can I expect when I visit?
Our goal is to give you a warm welcome and show gratitude that you have come to worship with us. We believe you will hear and receive the love of God in Christ Jesus and our community.
How long do your services last?
Services normally last one hour. That does not include any fellowship that goes on afterwards. We understand people are very busy, but we also understand, and greatly desire to spend time in worship, in the Word, in ministry, and in fellowship.
I'm not Lutheran. Can I attend services here?
Of course! We welcome anyone who seeks to know Christ... and to make Christ known. We have a detailed Pastor's Class if you are thinking of joining, but you are welcome to worship with us regardless of your current or past status.
What is the appropriate "dress" for worship services?
Come as you are. There are no rules or expectations. We are an inclusive church.
Do you have Sunday School?
It is our hope to begin one soon.
How can I learn more about St. Paul's?
St. Paul's offers many programs and study groups to allow members to see what it means to live as a disciple of Jesus, putting our faith into action. Click here for more information.
Can I attend the church regularly but not join?
Yes, we welcome the opportunity to provide ministry to all who seek to know God's truth.
When do you offer Communion?
The Lord's Supper is offered every Sunday of every month.
Who can participate in Holy Communion?
If you wish to partake of the Lord's Supper at St. Paul Lutheran, please be guided by your response to these questions:
- Do you believe that you are a sinner and in need of the forgiveness offered by Christ in the Lord's Supper?
- Do you believe that Christ's body and blood are truly present in, with, and under the bread and wine even as Christ promised?
- Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, as taught at St. Paul's and, by your participation in the sacrament, give testimony to the faith we share?
Before communing for the first time at St. Paul's, you are asked to please speak with pastor. Children are welcomed at the Lord's Table to receive a blessing, but do not partake of the Sacrament prior to Confirmation.
What are the Church office hours?
The St. Paul's Office hours are Tuesday-Friday 9 AM-1 PM.
What if I have additional questions?
If you have a question regarding our ministry at St. Paul's, please contact our Pastor at (715) 499-2693. We are happy to assist you!